Heritage Restoration Inc. is a proudly Canadian, family owned and operated business that has been restoring heritage buildings and structures across Ontario for nearly a century. In 1921, Alfred W. Huntley, founded
Huntley Chimney Service—a residential chimney repair company, which serviced clients’ needs throughout
the Toronto area. In 1926, Alfred W. formed Huntley Steeple Jack Co. and began expanding into larger
commercial rigging and rehabilitation projects. Finally, in 1955, after over 30 years of restoring homes and buildings in what is now known as the Greater Toronto Area, Alfred passed his flourishing businesses onto
his son Kenneth.
Kenneth continued to grow the companies, eventually uniting them as Heritage Restoration Inc., in 1969.
Kenneth operated the ever-expanding company while educating and training his two sons for, as his father
did for him, over 30 years. In 1998, Kenneth passed the company onto his two sons—Bruce and Alfred—who
had taken on operating and managing the company. Throughout the early 2000’s, Bruce and Alfred pushed
the company to new heights, taking on and completing more numerous and prestigious projects for a larger
and more reputable client base.
In 2011, at only 55 years old, Alfred tragically passed away after a brief battle with pancreatic cancer. Bruce’s
eldest son Chris, who was working in the company at this time, took a more prominent role to help ensure
continued success of the business. In 2012, Bruce’s other son Clay graduated post-secondary and joined the
company full time. Over the next 7 years the brothers enthusiastically carried forward the family business,
under the watchful eye of Bruce. In 2019, a fourth generation—led by brothers Chris and Clay —took charge
of the business and look to carry it forward with emphasis on the traditional values, that their great-grandfather employed when he started the company nearly a century ago.